Monday, July 28, 2014

The Three Sisters Sensations (Floating, Falling, Balancing)

The Michael Chekhov Acting technique is a Psycho-physical approach to acting that uses the imagination, the body, energy and movement as the source of creativity and inspired acting.

Today we will explore the technique Chekhov called Three Sisters Sensations (Falling, Floating, & Balancing. It is exploring Chekhov's approach to the emotional life of the actor/character. It is a simple, reliable and transformative alternative to the commonly known method of affective memory. Chekhov encourages his students to uptake the natural and intuitive gifts that movement brings to us.

The Three Sisters Sensations:
Falling, Floating and Balancing can create almost any emotional state, physical or psychological condition. Mastering this tool, especially through the IAC (Individual Artistic Center), can be a fast and reliable way to connect to feelings and to radiate the sense of a deep connection.

The basic concept behind the Three Sisters Sensations describes the relationship of an object's stability due to gravity or levity (weightlessness). This speaks about the principle of equilibrium, the search for stability. In our world, anything can be identified as either Falling, Floating, or Balancing. Consequently, this includes our bodies, breath, and our eyes. However, not only physical objects are subject to these principles - but our thoughts, feelings, desires, spirit, centers, and personal atmospheres (auras) have their own degree of stability and can also be described as either falling, floating, or balancing. If we simply focus on our breathing patterns we will see immediately that our breath floats (inhale), falls (exhale), and balances (a slight hold of the breath -  gasp for air, etc).

What is Falling?
Falling is yielding to a gravitational pull in all six directions, there is a sensation of falling. The breath falls in an exhale from the lungs.The important thing to remember here is a yielding to the gravitational pull in any direction. Falling has to do with the law of gravity in all six directions.

What is Floating?
Floating is a sense of freedom from the gravitational pull. Floating refers to the sensation of suspension, detachment, levity or neutral buoyancy. We can float in all six directions, as we keep the sensation of weightlessness in mind while practicing this tool.

What is Balancing?
Balancing the sensation or urge to sustain or attain equilibrium. It is the struggle against levity and gravity - to not float, to not fall.

Always remember to fly back over your work and allow your higher creative self to appreciate the work you are doing and will continue to do-

Oreo Cookie Flyback/Self Evaluation:

1) Overall, what did I like about what I just did?
2) What can I add to make it better?
3) What was my favorite moment?
***What did falling, floating or balancing awaken within me?***